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Make the Flow for Let it Flow: Wendo Aszed om tabun och förändringsarbete

“I was worried that my parents would find out I had received my period, I was ashamed. It meant, I couldn’t play with boys in the river, It meant, I could have a child, this blood stain on my thighs meant shame. In class I sat and worried that something would happen, I would be embarrased. I knew my mother was struggling, asking her for money to buy sanitary pads, would seem insensitive to the many challenges we faced.”

These are some of the comments we receive from girls in rural areas. Menstruation is not supposed to be shameful, how else would life be formed? Dandelion Africa though the Let it Flow project provide sanitary pads to girls in rural marginalized areas. This year, we would like to manufacture our own sanitary pads using sisal as a raw material that is organic and found in Mogotio area. This will create employment for women in rural areas and ensure that there is no girl left behind in the progress of her education. Women in business means that there will be alleviation of poverty, and with that a society that thrives. Who would have thought that menstruation would create wealth? Now you know.

By Wendo Aszed

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